Number Recognition & Counting to 20

I am pretty sure I have shared my love for math centers with you before.  The reason that I love having my students do math centers is because it gives me the time to sit down with small groups and work on the skills they need to.

Today I had a small group that needed some help with counting and number recognition.  I came up with this NO PREP activity to help them with just that!

I wrote numbers on post-it notes in random order.  After I wrote a number I had the students identify the number.

Once we had all the numbers 1 - 20, I had the students tell me how to put the numbers back in order.  They had to tell me what number what was next in order and then point to the post-it note with that number.

The students then put the post-it notes back in order.

Lastly, I had the students count to 20 while pointing to the numbers as they said them.

It was quick, easy, and the students had fun moving the post-it notes around.  I plan on doing this the next couple of days until this small group really gets a handle on their numbers and counting to 20.

1 comment

  1. Many of my students are struggling with teen numbers night now too. I may have to include this simple, hands-on activity to my small group work next week. Thanks for sharing!

    Jill :)
    ABCs and Polkadots
